Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oregon State Bound

I'm not sure how many people that I have told of my plans for the winter, but I have applied to Oregon State for the winter semester starting early January. I have spoken to the ROTC detachment at OSU, and I plan to change my major to electric engeneering starting winter semester. After I take the AFOQT and pass, I will have an interview with the detachment officer at OSU, and they will decide if they will offer me a scholarship. If rewarded this scholarship, the Air Force will pay all of my tuition. They will also provide me with 900 dollars for books a year. The detachment officer said that there is about a 90 percent chance that I get the scholarship if I study electric engineering, pass the AFOQT, and pass all physical requirements.


Kristin and Alyssa said...

Look at you getting things done. Electrical engineering huh. That is a great should always have a job. It will be sad having you farther away from us though but I guess you've got to do what you've got to do. At least we'll have Thanksgiving. :O)

Sandi said...

Congrats Ryan! Hope you get the scholarship!! Are you going to BYU-I now??

Alyson Tolman said...

Go Ryan. BTW I love the title of your blog. Very creative.